
本園汀角路正校及安富道分校參與「協康會」~ 到校學前康復及第一層支援服務為有特殊需要的兒童,提供到校「言語治療訓練及職業治療評估及訓練」兩項外展服務。經過持續性的訓練,有關幼兒在較弱的學習表現上,有顯著的進步。


Our teachers are aware of children with special learning needs through observation and assessment. Teachers will intervene as early as possible and make suggestions to parents on referrals for assessment to Maternal and Child Health Centres.

The Ting Kok Road Main School and On Fu Road Branch School have joined the Heep Hong Society On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation and Tier 1 Services. It provides on-site speech therapy services and occupational therapy services to children with special needs. Children show significant improvements after receiving sustainable training.

We provide support services for children, parents and our teaching staff. The social worker, parent ministry executive and counsellor at our school provide individual and group counselling services for parents of children with special needs. They also provide support and counselling services for parents or teaching staff with individual needs.

Parent Ministry Services

On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS)
& Tier 1 Service

Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions


The Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod Children For Hope – Preschool Social Work Service Team Sharing


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