撰文:Pario Arts 李素貞主任
l 藝術教育由個人做起,家長嘗試接觸藝術創作,從而培養孩子的藝術涵養
l 藝術教育的第一課從「聆聽」和「接納」開始,家長學習接納孩子多元創意的表現方式
l 透過親子共同參與和體驗藝術創作的過程,家長能更貼近和了解孩子的心
l 親子藝術創作有助孩子認識自己、釋放情緒與壓力
l 融入互相欣賞和互相尊重的氣氛,減輕親職壓力與焦慮,進而增進親子關係
l 讓親子愛上創作,把藝術融入生活中,提升生活的素質
Written by: Director of Pario Arts, Lee Sou Jing
Everyone has creativity and artistic potential. If properly nurtured, it can enhance one’s moral sentiments and make life more perfect. In the artistic atmosphere, diverse activities inspire individuals’ creativity, aesthetic sense, and diverse abilities, promoting holistic development. ‘Love’ is the driving force of creation. In a free, democratic, safe, and harmonious environment and atmosphere, it is the expression of ‘love,’ emphasizing mutual tolerance, acceptance of different opinions, and respect for and acceptance of others. So, how can parent-child creative art creation express ‘love’? Here, the author shares his views with all parents.
The significance of parent-child creative art creation:
l Art education starts with individuals. Parents try to engage in artistic creation to cultivate their children’s artistic accomplishments.
l The first lesson of art education begins with ‘listening’ and ‘acceptance.’ Parents learn to accept the diverse ways in which children express their creativity.
l Through the joint participation and experience of parent-child art creation, parents can get closer to and understand their children’s hearts.
l Parent-child art creation helps children to understand themselves and release emotions and stress.
l By integrating an atmosphere of mutual appreciation and respect, it reduces parental stress and anxiety, thereby enhancing parent-child relationships.
l Making parent-child fall in love with creation, integrating art into life, and enhancing the quality of life.
l 培養一種做人的學問,提升一種分享的能力,即「同理心」。
l 根據心理學家赫夫曼 (Hoffman) 研究人類同理心 (empathy) 的發展指出,「同理心」就是體會他人的情意,設身處地為他人設想的能力。
l 「同理心」三步曲:(1) 站在對方的立場設想 (2) 辨識對方的真正感受 (3) 將了解和感受傳達給對方。
l 「同理心」是與人相處的一項重要能力,具有「同理心」的人,才能建立良好的人際關係、自律及責任感。
l 兒童在 2 至 3 歲的階段,已能了解別人的感受。為使孩子有愛心、具備「同理心」的人、懂得愛與關懷別人,父母以身作則是非常重要的。
Artistic Cultivation Tips
l Cultivate a kind of knowledge in being human and enhance the ability to share, that is, ’empathy.’
l According to the research of psychologist Hoffman on the development of human empathy, ’empathy’ is the ability to understand the feelings of others and to put oneself in their shoes.
l The three steps of ’empathy’: (1) Imagine standing in the other person’s position (2) Identify the other person’s true feelings (3) Convey understanding and feelings to the other person.
l Empathy’ is an important ability in interpersonal relationships. Only those with ’empathy’ can establish good interpersonal relationships, self-discipline, and a sense of responsibility.
l Children at the age of 2 to 3 can already understand the feelings of others. In order for children to be compassionate, possess ’empathy,’ and understand love and care for others, it is very important for parents to lead by example.