本校教師團隊教學經驗豐富、具愛心。除校長及副校長外,正、分校共有3位主任,32位教師,1 位聖經專任教師, 2 位英語專任教師,1位普通話專任教師,13位非教學人員,正校及分校師生比例為1:10。
Teacher Professional
Our teaching staff is equipped with rich experience and always has a caring heart. In addition to the principal and the vice-principal, the main school and the branch have 3 head teachers, 30 teachers, 1 bible-teaching specialist, 2 English-teaching specialists, 1 Putonghua-teaching specialist and 9 non-teaching staff in total. The teacher-student ratio in both schools is 1:10.
Teacher qualifications
Years of teaching experience