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The underlying meaning of acne





 1.          藥物敏感:由於紅疹只是表徵,當中的反應可以很嚴重。所以,如果是這個情況,一般我們會更加小心處理和觀察。

2.          感染性(急性):例如麻疹、水痘、手足口病、德國麻疹、腮腺炎待。這些病都是有高度傳染性的。同時有發燒的徵狀。所以,我們在擔心這個病的併發症外,也會擔心它會傳染他人。故此,要特別小心。


3.          自體免疫力疾病:例如紅斑狼瘡症、過敏性紫癜症等。由於這類情況會有較多全身性的併發症,所以治療目標並不是去治療紅疹,而是處理根本的病症。

Written by: Dr Cheung Kit

I remember watching a terrifying TV show during my college days. It was about how a virus similar to Ebola spread among residents and outsiders in a certain area, leading to everyone’s death. In the drama, people infected with the virus would inevitably develop red rashes on their bodies even in the early stages. Therefore, many people have a deep impression that rashes represent serious diseases.

 In fact, this is only half true. A rash is a symptom that can be a skin problem or a reaction to a systemic disease. Skin diseases can be simple skin sensitivities, mosquito bites, shingles, sunburns, etc. Systemic reactions can be due to drug sensitivities, infections, autoimmune disorders, etc. The previous statement “half true” means that among systemic reactions, some are more severe, while others are milder.

 Severe examples include:

1.       Drug Sensitivity: Since a rash is only a sign, the reaction can be very severe. Therefore, if this is the case, we generally handle and observe with extra caution.

2.      Infectious (Acute): For example, measles, chickenpox, hand, foot, and mouth disease, German measles, mumps, etc. These diseases are highly contagious and also present with fever symptoms. So, in addition to worrying about the complications of the disease, we also worry about it spreading to others. Therefore, special care is needed.


3.      Autoimmune Diseases: For example, lupus erythematosus, allergic purpura, etc. Since these conditions can have more systemic complications, the treatment goal is not to treat the rash but to address the underlying disease.



1.          玫瑰疹:這是一種幼兒「專有」的紅疹。一定是在感染了某種過濾性病毒後的反應。每當這種疹出現時,燒已經完全退卻,也代表病情已經穩定下來。一般這些紅疹在身軀出現,之後散開到四肢和面部。由於不痕不癢,所以不用特別治療。


2.          痱子:這是由於汗腺阻塞的結果。多數是環境氣溫太高或是衣服穿得太多所致。雖然會有少許痕癢,但是始終不像濕疹般不適,所以也不是不嚴重的問題。另一方面,只要將患處的溫度降低,情況便會改善。


3.          嬰兒濕疹





So what are the “other half” of rashes that are not serious?


1.       Roseola: This is a type of rash ‘exclusive’ to young children. It is definitely a reaction after being infected with a certain filtrable virus. Whenever this rash appears, the fever has already completely subsided, which also indicates that the condition has stabilized. Generally, these rashes appear on the torso and then spread to the limbs and face. Since they are not itchy or painful, there is no need for special treatment.

2.      Heat Rash (Prickly Heat): This is the result of blocked sweat glands. It is mostly caused by the environment being too hot or wearing too many clothes. Although there may be a little itching, it is not as uncomfortable as eczema, so it is not a serious problem. On the other hand, as long as the temperature of the affected area is lowered, the condition will improve.


Infant Eczema

3.      Although infant eczema can be very itchy, it is time-limited. It generally starts from one month after birth and lasts until about six months. Moreover, it responds well to medication (such as medium-strength steroid creams). So, basically, as long as parents are willing to deal with it positively and follow the doctor’s treatment, there will be a good response.



Therefore, having a rash does not necessarily mean there is a big problem. However, if a rash occurs at the same time as fever, systemic symptoms, or poor mental state, it means it would be better to see a doctor sooner rather than later.

The seven types of interview questions that must be asked in kindergarten interviews





















Written by: Experienced Education Specialist

               Honorary Advisor of the Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters, Mr. Peter Chiu Wing Tak


A parent asked me what questions are essential in a kindergarten interview. The answer is: “There are at least seven essential questions!” Why are these seven questions essential? Because toddlers over two years old only know how to answer these questions, and they will be speechless if asked deeper questions. Here are the seven types of questions:


1.       What is your name?

(Type of question: Self-awareness)

Suggested answer: My name is Chan Siu Ming.

Key point: Answer in full sentences, with a subject and a verb; it is polite to answer in full sentences, just answering “Chan Siu Ming” is impolite, so be careful.


2.      Who brought you to the exam?

(Type of question: Parent-child relationship)

Suggested answer: My mom and dad brought me here.

Key point: It is best if both parents come. Having a domestic helper, grandmother, or grandfather bring the child may be less favorable.


3.      Where do your mom and dad take you to play on holidays?

(Type of question: Parent-child activities)

Suggested answer: Mom and dad take me to the park, beach (in summer), farm, science museum, planetarium, library.


Key point: It is advisable to take children to places they seldom visit on weekdays, preferably places that involve nature and are intellectually stimulating.
























4.  The teacher picks up an apple and asks: “What is this?”

(Type of question: Cognitive)

Suggested answer: “This is an apple.” You can also add, “I like eating

Key point: Cognitive questions can cover anything, such as asking about stationery,
transportation, etc., besides fruits.


5.   Pass the orange on the table to your mom.

(Type of question: Ability to follow commands)

Suggested answer: “Okay.” Immediately hand the orange to mom standing behind.

Key point: Commands should be executed immediately without hesitation.


6. Thread the string through the hole in the bead.

(Type of question: Fine motor skills)

Suggested answer: “Okay.” Act immediately, try again if not successful.

Key point: Never give up until successful. Avoid giving up without trying.


7. Before the interview ends, the principal sticks a sticker on the candidate’s lapel.

(Type of question: Reaction to unexpected situations)

Suggested answer: “Thank you, teacher, thank you, principal;” then say
“Goodbye, teacher, goodbye, principal!”


Key point: Always express thanks first, then say goodbye. Both are essential!

Why are children always distracted while eating?




45歲的孩子,一般都需要比成年人較長的用餐時間,一方面由於他們對餐具的運用還能是不太熟悉,會出現「論盡」情況;另一方面,孩子的咀嚼及 腸胃的消化能力未成熟,所以花上較長時間用餐,也是可以理解的。 此外,有些孩子因為專注時間較短,自製能力低,又沒有時間的觀念,他們容易受到四周的環境吸引,看得高興忘我時,就連前面的飯菜也忘記了,往往要父母再三催促提醒, 才能繼續進膳,導致拖長了吃飯時間。




Written by: Heep Hong Society Educational Psychologist Team

 Many children aged 4 to 5 tend to look around and fidget during meals because they are not yet adept at using utensils. Additionally, their short attention spans, still-developing sense of time, curiosity about their surroundings, or even a desire to avoid eating may contribute to their lack of focus.

 Short Attention Spans

Children aged 4 to 5 generally need longer meal times than adults. This is partly because they are not yet familiar with using utensils, which can lead to clumsiness, and partly because their chewing and digestive abilities are still developing, necessitating longer meal times. Furthermore, due to their short attention spans, low self-control, and lack of time awareness, they are easily distracted by their environment. When they become engrossed in something interesting, they may even forget about their meal in front of them, often requiring repeated reminders from parents to continue eating, which prolongs mealtime.

  Parents dealing with children who have short attention spans can try to create a consistent, quiet, familiar, and simply arranged dining environment. They can set a reasonable time limit for meals and remind the children periodically of the time limit to ensure they finish their meals within that timeframe.


  另外,也有些是天生「觀察型」學習的孩子,他們的好奇心強,經常透過眼睛觀察去學習新的事物,就連在吃飯的時候也會用眼睛「東張西望」繼續學習,雖然他們在 吃飯的時候會四處張望,給人很不專心的感覺,然而,他們很少會因此而「忘記」了吃飯,只是在一邊吃時一邊望,陶醉於他們的眼睛觀察當中。 對於觀察學習型的孩子,與其讓孩子東張西望,家長不妨在孩子吃飯的時候,與他們一起閱覽圖書,培養孩子閱讀的興趣。


當然,也有些是「混合型」的孩子,也有些東張西望的孩子,則是為了逃避自己不喜歡吃的飯菜,故意拖延時間,又或是故意做些小動作來吸引別人的注意罷了。 所以,若要解決孩子吃飯時東張西望的狀況,家長先要細心觀察及了解孩子的問題所在。



香港人生活節奏急速,吃飯的時間也越來越短,有時為了趕時間,看見孩子慢條斯理地吃飯的模樣,真叫家長心裡著急起來。 說到底,若是時間許可的話,還是應該給予孩子充足的用餐時間,讓他們可以慢慢咀嚼,品嚐食物的滋味。 ;最後,家長也可考慮適度減少孩子進食的份量,讓他們較容易在飯桌上完成飯餐,一方面可減少父母與孩子在飯桌上衝突的機會,另一方面當孩子因為感到肚餓而 要求更多飯餸,直接增加他們進食的動機。



Curiosity About the Surroundings

Additionally, some children are naturally “observational” learners with strong curiosity, often learning new things by observing through their eyes. Even during meals, they might look around, continuing to learn. Although this behavior might seem like they are not concentrating, they rarely “forget” to eat; they simply continue eating while indulging in their observations. For such observational learners, instead of letting them look around, parents might consider engaging them with books during meals to foster a reading interest.


Of course, there are also “mixed-type” children and those who look around to avoid eating foods they dislike, deliberately delaying or performing small actions to draw attention. Therefore, to address the issue of children looking around during meals, parents need to carefully observe and understand the underlying problems.


No Need to Rush Meals

The pace of life in Hong Kong is fast, and meal times are becoming increasingly shorter. Sometimes, seeing children eat slowly can make parents anxious. Ultimately, if time permits, children should be given ample time to chew slowly and savor the taste of their food. Lastly, parents might consider reducing the portion sizes for their children, making it easier for them to finish their meals at the table. This approach can reduce potential conflicts at the dining table and increase the children’s motivation to eat more when they feel hungry.


Chronic cough? Bronchitis? Or Asthma?


 小朋友咳不停,咳嗽情況往往持續整整一個月,尤其到半夜三更最嚴重,咳醒、咳至失眠,再倦極睡著,對小朋友、大人,都是折磨!到底為何久咳不止? 氣管敏感還是發炎? 請教醫生,原來這也屬於哮喘!



Written byCheng Sui Man

 The children can’t stop coughing, often continuing for an entire month, especially severe in the middle of the night, waking up from coughing, leading to insomnia, and then falling asleep from extreme fatigue. This is torturous for both children and adults! What exactly causes this persistent coughing? Is it sensitivity or inflammation of the trachea? Upon consulting a doctor, it turns out this is also a form of asthma!

 Children are naturally more prone to having narrower airways due to their young age, making them more susceptible to nasal congestion, snoring, and even shortness of breath even with just a common cold. However, unlike bronchitis, a common cold usually recovers within a week, but the cough from bronchitis can last over twenty days, so it’s not surprising that the coughing continues for a month from the onset of the illness.

 This leads to another question: Why does bronchitis occur? According to doctors, one common cause is the child contracting the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This is a very common virus that spreads through droplets and air. It causes the airways to constrict and become inflamed, producing mucus that accumulates and further narrows the airways, stimulating the patient to cough and creating a vicious cycle. Doctors indicate that in these cases, bronchodilator medication may be prescribed to reduce symptoms and allow the child’s immune system to fight off the virus. However, once a child has been infected with RSV, the airways are somewhat damaged, increasing the likelihood of developing asthma in the future. As the doctor explained, my eldest son had indeed been hospitalized due to RSV infection in the past, and since then, every time he catches a cold and coughs, his recovery time is longer than that of my younger son!


 第一級 偶發性哮喘



 第二級 輕微持續性哮喘


 第三級 中度持續性哮喘



“So it seems your eldest son might indeed have asthma,” the doctor’s conclusion was definitely the last thing I wanted to hear. Asthma, in its worst case, can be fatal! Wait, that’s the worst-case scenario. The doctor added that asthma is actually classified into four stages.

 Stage 1: Intermittent Asthma

Usually caused by respiratory viruses such as RSV or filtrable viruses, occurring sporadically a few times a year, with normal conditions the rest of the time. Therefore, it is only necessary to use a bronchodilator during episodes of airway constriction and shortness of breath to relieve discomfort without significant side effects, and there is no need for long-term medication.

 However, if the airway constriction is not properly relieved, the airways can become increasingly prone to narrowing, and the asthma could progress.

 Stage 2: Mild Persistent Asthma

Patients have episodes about once or twice a month, and bronchodilators are insufficient to manage the condition. Inhaled steroids are needed to “treat the root cause” and control inflammation. Inhaled steroids come in different strengths, and the doctor will prescribe the appropriate dosage as needed.

 Stage 3: Moderate Persistent Asthma


Patients have asthma attacks on average once a week and need to use a bronchodilator daily.

第四級 嚴重持續性哮喘





Stage 4: Severe Persistent Asthma

Patients need to use a bronchodilator daily, three to four times a day, while also using inhaled steroids to control the condition.

 Following the doctor’s advice, I should no longer be afraid to let my child use inhaled bronchodilators! Relieving the child’s coughing and asthma symptoms early on can also hopefully prevent the worsening of asthma conditions in the long run.