月份: 2024 年 1 月

撰文:Pario Arts 李素貞主任
Written by: Pario Arts, Officer Lee Sou Jing
I have been engaged in education for many years and have encountered many parents who choose “quick and decisive” courses or extracurricular activities for their children, aiming for short-term results. It can be said that this approach is somewhat utilitarian. Conversely, they tend to underestimate courses or extracurricular activities that are non-utilitarian and focus on aesthetics. What typically captures parental attention is whether their children can participate in competitions, whether there are certifications or notable achievements in academic subjects or talents.
Long-term Impact of Art Education on Children
I firmly believe that under a utilitarian education system, there will be profound and lasting effects on children’s attitudes toward life.
Art education is unique, beautiful, and rich in creativity. Children not only learn the theory and techniques of art but also stimulate their creativity and imagination in the process. In the long run, art education has significant benefits for children’s speech, behavior, and even their learning and thinking.

父母需要以身作則 重視子女的想法
Encountering Art in Daily Life
We come into contact with art in our daily lives every day. In our lives, we can find many beautiful things, such as rich emotions, different tastes, unique sensations, and visual pleasures. All of these can provide a serene state of mind in our busy lives, allowing us to feel the vibrancy and joy of the world and discover the precious beauty of tranquility.
Parents Need to Set a Good Example and Value Children’s Thoughts
In fact, whether it’s intelligent education or art education that emphasizes cultivating aesthetics, I believe that the most important thing is for parents to provide companionship and support. If you want to cultivate your child’s artistic appreciation, you should understand that art education starts with yourself. It is crucial to listen, accept, and understand your child’s thoughts, and embrace how they express creativity, and in doing so, your children will easily develop an aesthetic temperament from an early age.

As children grow up, many parents may find that their children become increasingly resistant to having heart-to-heart talks. The children may feel awkward, or perhaps the family relationships have not been very close since childhood. Dr. Wong Chung Hin, a specialist in psychiatry, points out, “It is crucial for parents to establish a good parent-child relationship from an early age. If parents suspect emotional issues in their children, in addition to observing changes in their behavior, they can guide their children to express their thoughts and understand their inner world.”
As mentioned earlier, parents and children should establish a parent-child relationship from a young age, setting aside time each day for parent-child communication and engaging in interesting family activities together. Dr. Wong emphasizes, “A close parent-child relationship helps children express themselves to their parents. Even as they grow older, they will be more willing to express themselves and have trust in their family.”
However, if a child is unwilling to reveal their thoughts and parents notice changes in their behavior (refer to: https://www.parentsdaily.com.hk/expert/4073), Dr. Wong advises parents to patiently guide their children to express their inner feelings. “When children express their thoughts, parents should listen patiently and provide them with the opportunity to express themselves. Establish a daily parent-child chatting time, allowing children to have a channel to express themselves at home. Parents should remember that once children mention symptoms related to emotional issues, parents should not criticize or constantly deny their children.”

Dr. Wong continues, “Everyone has their own thoughts and perspectives, and parents are no exception. I once had a parent tell me that their child refused to go to school and do homework, and their emotions would spiral out of control every time they were urged to go to school. However, when the child stayed home to play video games, they seemed very happy, leading the parent to think the child was just lazy and ‘pretending.’ However, parents should carefully understand the reasons behind the child’s reluctance to go to school and not dismiss any emotional issues the child may have, to avoid missing crucial moments for addressing emotional problems.” If, after parental guidance, the child still refuses to discuss their situation, parents can contact the school to learn about the child’s situation at school.
Dr. Wong recalls a case involving a high school student: “This student suddenly called the clinic one day and asked if it was necessary for parents to accompany him. Later, the student came for a consultation with friends, revealing that he had a poor relationship with his family. After sharing with friends, they suggested seeking professional advice. During the treatment process, I slowly built a good doctor-patient relationship with him, gained his trust, and hoped to help rebuild his relationship with his family.” Dr. Wong laments that not every case receives family support, so the role of schools is crucial. When young people encounter emotional or stress-related issues and cannot confide in their families, they can seek assistance from trusted adults.
In light of the recent increase in suicide tragedies, Dr. Wong advises parents to understand that a child’s holistic development involves more than just academic achievements; it also includes mental health. Dr. Wong understands that a child’s stress often comes from academic and family expectations. “Whether students or parents, I hope everyone can equip themselves well in stressful environments. Equipping oneself does not necessarily mean extra tutoring but taking good care of one’s mental health and achieving balance in life. Parents and schools should also teach students about the importance of mental health and promote the holistic growth of students’ physical and mental well-being.”

撰文:香港言語及吞嚥治療中心 言語治療師 李詠茵
筆者曾在工作上遇到一位 5 歲的小朋友。他跟其他同齡的孩子一樣,外表乖巧,而且十分有禮貌。但他有著與其他同齡孩子不同的特徵- 他的左耳配上了一個助聽器。他,也是一個患有聽力障礙的孩子。
理解四周聲音 建立概念
減少聆聽經驗 難以跟從指令
Written by: Lee Wing Yan, Speech Therapist at the Hong Kong Speech and Swallowing Therapy Centre
In my work, I once encountered a 5-year-old child. Like other children of his age, he appeared well-behaved and polite. However, he had a distinctive feature that set him apart from his peers – he had a hearing aid in his left ear. He was a child with a hearing impairment.
As the name suggests, hearing impairment is defined as a “disability caused by impaired hearing, ranging from mild to complete deafness.” Does hearing impairment only affect a child’s auditory perception?
Understanding Surrounding Sounds to Build Concepts
Consider this: before toddlers learn to articulate meaningful words, what ability do they possess? They engage in what we commonly refer to as “baby talk.” Now, what crucial step do toddlers take before mastering “baby talk”? It’s the ability to understand the sounds in their environment and establish concepts through interaction with sounds, including meaningful conversations with parents, nursery rhymes, etc. They learn to comprehend that different sounds represent different people, things, and objects, gradually understanding words and building language. Therefore, due to reduced and weaker sensory stimulation in the aspect of “hearing,” children with hearing impairment may experience delayed language development.
Reduced Listening Experience and Difficulty Following Instructions
Children with hearing impairment cannot fully receive external information through the sensory aspect of “hearing,” reducing opportunities for listening experiences and language exposure. As a result, they often exhibit inattentiveness, difficulty following instructions, and challenges in understanding more complex sentence structures, affecting their learning. Language learning occurs through paying attention and receiving external input, followed by repeated exposure to similar information, connecting specific concepts, imitation, and application. Consequently, many children with hearing impairment may exhibit weaknesses in grammar usage, sentence expression, and vocabulary recognition compared to other children. Research even suggests that the gap in vocabulary recognition between the two groups tends to widen with age.

影響語音發展 難察覺聲調間的分別
而聽力障礙對幼童語言發展的另一更明顯的影響,則是其語音發展。一般聽力障礙的兒童往往對於較高頻率(frequency)和低強度(intensity)語音的敏感度低,因此未會留意到這些語音,就如粵語包含 /f/、/s/、/ts/、/tsh/ 音的字(例如:「飛」、「三」、「吱」、「車」),並以其他語音代替,如將「飛」讀成「悲」、「三」讀成「擔」、「吱」讀成「啲」、「車」讀成「爹」等。由於此類的錯音源自孩子的聽力障礙,而因此對某些字音的敏感度低,所以孩子未必能自行察覺到自己發音上的錯誤,或自己的發音與他人的分別。
Impact on Speech Development: Difficulty Perceiving Differences in Tone
Another more noticeable effect of hearing impairment on the language development of young children is its impact on speech development. Children with hearing impairment often have lower sensitivity to higher-frequency and lower-intensity speech sounds. Consequently, they may not pay attention to these sounds, such as the Cantonese sounds /f/, /s/, /ts/, and /tsh/ found in words like “fei”(飛), “saam”(三), “zi”(吱), and “che”(車). Instead, they may substitute other sounds, such as pronouncing “fei” as “bei,” “saam” as “daam,” “zi” as “di,” and “che” as “dei.” Since these pronunciation errors stem from the child’s hearing impairment and their lower sensitivity to certain phonemes, the child may not necessarily be aware of the pronunciation mistakes they make or the differences between their pronunciation and that of others.

另一方面,粵語是一種「聲調語言」(tonal language),一般來說有九個聲調。聲調之間的差異很細微,因此正如咬字發音一樣,聽力障礙的孩子也可能因為對各聲調的敏感度較低,而未有察覺它們之間的分別,旁人聽起來,可能會覺得孩子的說話如外國人說話或唱歌一般。
及早介入 接受治療
On the other hand, Cantonese is a “tonal language” with generally nine tones. The differences between tones are subtle, similar to nuances in pronunciation. Children with hearing impairment may also fail to perceive the distinctions between tones due to their lower sensitivity, much like in articulating individual sounds. To others, the child’s speech might sound akin to a foreigner speaking or singing.
Early Intervention and Therapy
Of course, not every child with hearing impairment will experience delays in language development or pronunciation issues. I have encountered many hearing-impaired children and adults with excellent language abilities. Like any health issue, “early intervention” is the key to addressing problems. Therefore, if there is suspicion of any hearing issues in a child, an early assessment by an otolaryngologist and audiologist is crucial to determine whether hearing aids or other treatments are needed. If a child indeed has hearing problems, relying solely on hearing aids may not completely resolve or prevent language development issues associated with hearing impairment. Therefore, early and appropriate speech therapy should also be sought to ensure the child’s language development catches up with their peers as soon as possible.

撰文:嬰幼兒心理發展協會 心理諮詢師 程衛強先生
美國著名的情緒心理學家Plutchik指出,我們有 8種基本情緒 (Plutchik, 1993),包括接納、預期、厭惡、憤怒、悲傷、恐懼、快樂及驚訝,這些情緒會按「情緒鏈 (Emotion Chain)」表現出來,包括:(一)刺激、(二)想法、(三)情緒、(四)行為和(五)效果。
Written by: Child Psychological Development Association,
Psychological Counselor, Mr. Ching Wai Keung
“Is your child deliberately engaging in behavior that challenges your limits?”
“Does your child’s behavior completely contradict your wishes?”
“No matter how you punish your child, it seems like they become more defiant!”
Do these scenarios sound familiar to you? Many times, parents worry incessantly about their child’s behavior. However, behind the child’s behavior, there may be different emotions. For example, a child might intentionally exhibit rebellious behavior due to a desire for attention or rivalry for affection. In such cases, punishing the child may result in them becoming even more disobedient.
Renowned American emotion psychologist Plutchik pointed out that we have eight basic emotions (Plutchik, 1993), including acceptance, anticipation, disgust, anger, sadness, fear, joy, and surprise. These emotions manifest in an “Emotion Chain,” which includes stimuli, thoughts, emotions, behavior, and outcomes.
For instance, when an older brother sees his mom taking care of his younger sister (stimulus), he may think that his mom now only loves his sister and ignores him (thoughts). This could lead to emotions like sadness and anger (emotions). As a result, he may intentionally misbehave (behavior). The outcome is that the mom puts down the sister in the crib and then deals with the older brother (outcome). In the older brother’s eyes, his mom finally put down his sister, achieving the desired outcome through his behavior.

Young children may not necessarily express their thoughts through language, making it challenging for parents to understand the reasons behind their behavior. However, by soothing the child’s emotions and paying attention to patterns in their behavior, we can improve their conduct.
For example, if an older brother consistently exhibits inappropriate behavior whenever he sees his mom taking care of his younger sister, it can be inferred that he is seeking his mother’s love. In response, the mom can balance one-on-one time with both the older brother and younger sister, allowing him to feel that his mother loves him too. She can also invite him to participate in caring for the younger sister. If inappropriate behavior arises when attention is lacking, it may be a skill to attract parental attention. In such cases, parents can offer attention before inappropriate behavior occurs and deliberately ignore the behavior when it does, helping the child understand that misbehavior does not garner attention.
Understanding the reasons behind a child’s behavior is immensely helpful in improving inappropriate conduct. If you’d like to know more, feel free to contact us.

學習如搭棚 逐步打好基礎
近代被受重視的心理學家維果茨基(Lev Vygotsky)認為,學習的過程就像建構「鷹架」一樣,都是由低至高、由小至大,用一根一根的金屬棒逐步搭建而成的。所謂「鷹架」,相當於中國人所建搭的棚架。當然,搭棚用的卻是竹枝。
Written by: Education Expert, Principal Kenneth Law
We all understand that each student is an independent individual, so the speed of learning varies. However, if there are methods that can make children learn faster and better, it is undoubtedly something both parents and teachers would be pleased to see. How to help children learn faster and better is also a topic of research for many scholars.
One key factor affecting the speed of a child’s learning is the amount of existing knowledge they possess. Existing knowledge refers to what the child has learned and mastered, not only the knowledge acquired in school but also part of the knowledge gained in daily life.
Learning is like building a scaffold, gradually laying a solid foundation
Lev Vygotsky, a modern psychologist highly regarded, believes that the learning process is like constructing a “scaffold,” progressing from low to high, from small to large, using one metal rod at a time. The term “scaffold” is equivalent to the bamboo scaffolding commonly used by the Chinese. Of course, in the context of learning, it’s metaphorical.
Describing learning as constructing a scaffold brings several insights. Firstly, laying a solid foundation is crucial. Secondly, learning must proceed step by step; if one rushes and neglects certain aspects, the knowledge won’t be firmly established. Furthermore, as long as one diligently learns step by step, they will surely accumulate more and more knowledge. Additionally, different individuals can construct different shapes of bamboo scaffolding, and knowledge is not static; it evolves continuously with the development of the times.

善用空餘時間 擴闊知識範圍
Once the learning theory of Vygotsky is understood, the importance of existing knowledge becomes self-evident. Existing knowledge is like a bamboo scaffold already constructed, and new knowledge is added on top of the existing scaffold, making it higher and larger. The more existing knowledge one has, the more reliable it becomes, and learning new things becomes easier. There’s no need to look around distractedly, and the learning speed becomes faster.
Make good use of spare time to broaden the scope of knowledge
The content learned and the time spent in school by students may not be extensive. Therefore, making good use of spare time becomes relatively important in enhancing a child’s academic performance. Making good use of spare time does not mean participating in more training classes or doing additional supplements. On the contrary, because schools already provide comprehensive and systematic courses, it is even more crucial to focus on expanding a broader range of knowledge during spare time, making the foundation of the “bamboo scaffold” broader.

Reading books, visiting museums and exhibitions,
and traveling along nature trails can all broaden a child’s horizons and expand
their range of knowledge. Parents can allow children to have more autonomy,
letting them choose activities they enjoy. Providing children with the space to
make choices can also cultivate their ability for self-directed learning,
self-discipline, and a sense of responsibility, which are essential for their

Whether parents are working or full-time homemakers, they are busy every day with work, household chores, and taking care of their children. After school, children are also busy with homework, tutoring, and reviewing for exams. Leisure time is limited, and bedtime comes early. Dr. Wong Chung Hin, a specialist in psychiatry, points out, “Parents and students in Hong Kong are very busy, but we need to learn to ‘preprocess’ emotions or stress before they erupt, and establish a good parent-child relationship. Parents should set aside dedicated parent-child time every day to communicate with their children. Parents should also take care of their own emotions, which will help their children express their inner feelings.”
In the midst of busy daily life, parents need to take good care of themselves first in order to better care for their children. Dr. Wong suggests, “Rather than dealing with emotional problems after they arise, ‘preprocessing’ is more important. Parents can establish healthy habits with their children, ensuring they have sufficient rest. Many students have tutoring and homework to do after school, but a moderate amount of entertainment is also crucial. As mentioned earlier, daily parent-child communication time is necessary. Doing fun activities together, such as exercising, not only builds quality parent-child time but also improves emotions.”
Dr. Wong emphasizes, “Parents should review their disciplinary expectations, adjust disciplinary methods according to their children’s abilities to avoid putting too much pressure on them. Parents need to understand that every child will grow up, want to be independent, and have their own thoughts. Parents can understand the reasons behind their children’s behavior, such as not wanting to go to school or declining academic performance. Parents should investigate whether the underlying cause is excessive learning pressure and communicate with the school to make adjustments to their child’s learning.”

In fact, children’s emotions can be influenced by the emotions of their parents. Dr. Wong explains, “When children have emotional issues, it may be partly influenced by family history. However, in many cases, children with emotional problems have parents with poorer emotional well-being. Parents should always be aware of their own emotional states to avoid expressing emotions inappropriately. For example, when parents are dissatisfied with their children’s behavior, they may burst out in anger, which not only affects the parent-child relationship, making the child at a loss and afraid to communicate with their parents, but also influences the parents’ own perceptions, negatively characterizing the child’s behavior as ‘disobedient,’ ‘pretending,’ and lazy.”
Parents most commonly face the situation of children “not listening at all” and may find it hard to refrain from getting angry. However, Dr. Wong reminds, “During these times, parents should not confront their children directly. Instead, they can find a space to calm themselves, for example, by doing some slow breathing exercises to soothe their emotions. Once the parent has calmed down, they can then address the child and understand the underlying reasons for the child’s behavior. If parents cannot control their emotions, it will only complicate things and make it difficult to have a chance to communicate with their children.”

Dr. Wong suggests, “Everyone has a different personality, and the methods for handling stress also vary. Parents can work together with their children to establish stress management methods, whether it’s through exercise, drawing, listening to music, taking a good rest, or simply relaxing. However, when parents notice that their child’s emotional issues have persisted for a prolonged period, or have started to affect daily life, and especially if there are signs of self-harm or suicidal thoughts, parents should seek professional assistance for their children as soon as possible.”
Dr. Wong concludes with a message to parents: “Many parents are currently juggling work commitments, but it’s important for parents to consider setting aside a moment each day, putting work aside, and dedicating time to their children to build a strong parent-child relationship and enjoy quality time together. This way, parents can also pay attention to any changes in their children’s mental and emotional well-being, detect problems early, and prevent the development of emotional issues such as depression or anxiety.”

Written by : Doctor Cheung Kit
The year-end is a season of mixed emotions, with both joy and pain. The pain may come from children having exams or working parents being busy with the year-end matters for their companies. The joy lies in having a longer holiday, providing an opportunity for travel and relaxation. However, many parents are actually anxious because they have planned a trip with their children, and the concern arises: What if the child falls ill during this time?
If it’s an accident or a serious illness, the trip will inevitably be canceled. The bigger issue is when the child gets a minor illness, and there’s a fear it might affect the travel plans. First and foremost, the author suggests “prevention.” Some may wonder, how can illness be prevented? The answer is yes, as long as strict measures are taken in the two weeks before departure. Firstly, the author recommends getting the flu vaccine for the child at least two weeks before departure, as the vaccine takes half a month to take effect. Among many fever-related illnesses, only the flu has a vaccine that can be administered.

1. 請醫生開足夠的藥物,直至旅程完畢
2. 如果藥物(例如液體的抗生素)是需要儲存在雪櫃中,就要考慮轉換酒店之間保存的問題
3. 請醫生準備病程和診斷結果的信或記錄在健康手冊中,以便當地醫護人員跟從
4. 如要擕帶液體的藥物上機,請先向航空公司查詢。在有需要時,醫生要預先用文字形式通知航空公司
5. 向售賣旅遊保險公司查詢有關當地看緊急醫療的安排
Next, among the most common simple infectious diseases in children, such as viral gastroenteritis, upper respiratory tract infections, chickenpox, and acute gastritis, the incubation period is generally within a week. Therefore, parents must try to avoid exposing their children to the sources of such diseases, including indoor play centers, swimming pools, hospitals, and playgrounds, among others. Although the measures may be stringent, if travel is the goal, some sacrifices may need to be made. Moreover, if unfortunately, the child falls ill within the two weeks before departure, theoretically, there should be enough time for recovery.
If the child falls ill just before the trip, the first thing to do is, of course, to see a doctor. When it is confirmed to be a minor ailment, pay attention to the following five points:
1. Ask the doctor to prescribe enough medication until the end of the journey.
2. If the
medication (such as liquid antibiotics) needs to be stored in the refrigerator,
consider the storage between hotels.
3. Ask the
doctor to prepare a letter or record of the course and diagnosis results in the
health handbook for local medical personnel to follow.
4. If you need
to bring liquid medication on the plane, inquire with the airline first. When
necessary, the doctor should notify the airline in writing in advance.
5. Inquire with the travel insurance company about local arrangements for emergency medical care.
Sometimes, children falling ill cannot be completely
avoided, but there are always things that can be coordinated.

情緒變化各異 家長要留意
1. 情緒流露在表情上,例如表現悶悶不樂、緊張、哭泣及難過等
2. 生活習慣變化,例如作息時間(失眠或睡不停)、胃口變化或經常困在房間等
3. 不願上學
4. 身體上的變化,例如肚瀉、肚痛,家長很容易會以為是健康出現問題,經深入了解後才知悉與情緒壓力有關
5. 出現自傷行為,包括打自己、𠝹手,或甚曾提及「唔想做人」等想法
In recent days, there have been continuous reports of students attempting suicide, a situation that is cause for concern. As parents, we often feel that adults face much greater pressure dealing with work, family, and financial issues than children do. However, Dr. Wong Chung Hin, a specialist in psychiatry, reminds us: “Clinically, cases of emotional distress due to stress are observed in primary, secondary, and university students. Parents should carefully observe any changes in their children’s behavior, patiently listen to their thoughts, and refrain from making hasty criticisms. The most important thing is to believe in your children and encourage them to express themselves.”
The reasons for emotional issues arising from stress in children go beyond academic performance and include family expectations, peer relationships, school bullying, family problems, and family history. Dr. Wong recalls, “When facing the death of a family member, relatives are often busy dealing with post-mortem matters or various rituals, forgetting to take care of the child’s emotions. In addition, some children experience their parents’ divorce or even abuse, which can also affect their emotions.”
Emotional changes vary, and parents need to be attentive
Dr. Wong further emphasizes, “Some children are more adept at expressing their feelings, but many do not know how to express their emotions. As children grow older, some are less willing to share their feelings with family. Therefore, parents and teachers should pay close attention to any changes in their children’s emotions, behavior, and performance.”
Parents should pay attention to the following signs:
1. Emotional expressions on the face, such as appearing gloomy, tense, crying, or sad.
2. Changes in lifestyle habits, such as disruptions in sleep patterns (insomnia or excessive sleep), changes in appetite, or spending a lot of time isolated in their room.
3. Unwillingness to go to school.
4. Physical changes, such as diarrhea, and stomachaches. Parents might easily attribute these to health issues, but a deeper understanding reveals their connection to emotional stress.
5. Self-harming behaviors, including self-hitting, cutting, or expressing thoughts like “I don’t want to live.”

每個孩子表達情緒的方法都不同,如果孩子出現上述情況只是短暫,壓力過去後便回復正常,這稱為「適應障礙症(Adjustment Disorder)」。但當情況持續,即使壓力過去後仍然出現,便應尋求專業人士協助。
孩子表達情緒問題 家長要先信任 勿輕易作批判
Each child expresses emotions differently. If the child exhibits the above-mentioned signs only temporarily, returning to normal after the stress has passed, it is referred to as “Adjustment Disorder.” However, if the situation persists and continues even after the stress has subsided, seeking assistance from a professional is advisable.
When children have emotional expression issues, parents should start by trusting and not hastily criticizing
Dr. Wong points out that these emotional problems are often challenging to detect: “Some patients, as mentioned above, may not know how to express their feelings. However, there are also cases where they do express themselves, but their parents or teachers do not see it as a problem. They don’t believe the child and instead think that their reluctance to go to school is a sign of laziness. After listening to the child’s concerns, parents or caregivers should believe the child and avoid making hasty criticisms. This is also about raising awareness of emotional issues; they may have insufficient awareness and not know how to handle them. Alternatively, they may worry that seeking help will result in negative labels from others and be hesitant to seek medical attention.”

Dr. Wong warns, “Delaying treatment may worsen the condition, possibly leading to irreparable situations. Some parents worry that taking their child to see a doctor means resorting to medication and fear potential side effects. However, the truth is that medication is not the only form of treatment. It needs to be assessed first and can be complemented with psychological therapy. Many cases involve individuals who believe they are fine or expect to heal on their own after a while, leading to prolonged conditions.”
Once a child’s emotional changes have been occurring for a significant period, impacting daily life, or if thoughts of self-harm or suicide emerge, seeking help promptly is imperative. Dr. Wong also reminds parents that if a child reads news about suicide recently, parents should be by their side, explaining that this is not a solution to emotional problems, to prevent the news from affecting the child emotionally.

資料來源:資深親職教育專家 Bally
Source: Senior Parenting Education Expert Bally
In fact, preparing for the transition to first grade can be more stressful and time-consuming. If you were to ask me, I would recommend that parents should start from Pre-Nursery to “analyze first and then plan.” But how to analyze first?
Many parents are not entirely clear about the various types of schools in Hong Kong. For instance, we have traditional government-subsidized schools, Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) schools, private schools, and international schools. What are the differences between these types of schools? What are their educational philosophies? What is the ideal type of school for parents based on their financial situation and aspirations?
They should first understand and analyze this, which will give them a goal. Once they have a goal, we can move on to the next step, which is to personally attend the orientation sessions of each school. Why do we believe that parents should start preparing from Pre-Nursery (PN)? Because many schools often hold orientation sessions only once a year. These orientation sessions often occur at the same time. If we wait until the year of K.2 to attend these sessions, and we are interested in three different schools, and all of them schedule their sessions on the same Saturday at the same time, parents may miss out.

很多時候第一次去聽的可能是媽媽,第二次去聽的是爸爸,我們的家庭一定要一致,所以大家去聽理念是很重要的。如果大家都有機會理解到,就要進入第三個部署,家裡人坐下來商量究竟我們想小朋友未來擁有教育的方向是怎樣?我們究竟想要很傳統的教學方法?還是想要很開心?現在有些學校叫Happy School,亦有很多家長以為Happy School,就等於可能未必有成效。
其實現在有兩大類的Happy School,有些Happy School只有開心,但到時候是追不到小一進度,有些Happy School開心之餘有成效,到時他有足夠的能力可以挑選自己心儀的學校。因為他入讀到心儀的學校還能追得上,所以家長要了解甚麼叫Happy School,他們的教學理念和成效如何。
Secondly, it’s important to note that these orientation sessions have limited spots. While many people may sign up, there are often only a few hundred to a thousand slots available. During the course of a single day, there may be over 5,000 registrations. With such high demand, it’s possible not to secure a spot, which means you won’t have the opportunity to attend. This is why we need to prepare one to three years in advance, considering whether the school’s philosophy is suitable for your child.
If you have been attending orientation sessions for your preferred schools for the first one or two years, by the final year, you should revisit your top one to three choices multiple times. This is because educational changes in Hong Kong happen rapidly and frequently. By attending multiple sessions, you can confirm your preferred school.
In many cases, the first time someone attends may be the mother, and the second time, it may be the father. It’s essential for the family to be in agreement, so attending orientation sessions together to understand the school’s philosophy is crucial. Once everyone has a shared understanding, you can move on to the third step, where the family sits down to discuss the direction of your child’s education. What kind of education do you envision for your child’s future? Do you want a very traditional teaching method, or do you want a happy one? Some schools are called “Happy School,” but many parents mistakenly think that a “Happy School” may not be effective.
In fact, there are two major categories of “Happy School” now. Some “Happy Schools” focus solely on happiness, but their curriculum may not align with the first-grade curriculum. Others combine happiness with effectiveness, and students from these schools have the ability to select their preferred schools because they can keep up with the first-grade curriculum. Therefore, parents need to understand what a “Happy School” is, what their teaching philosophy is, and how effective they are.

Once parents reach a consensus, it’s time to truly and thoroughly select the school that is most suitable for the child. Many times, parents may choose the best school for their child because it’s considered the best. However, what is considered the best may not necessarily be the most suitable. As parents, our goal should be to find a school that is the best fit for our child. For example, if a child is very active, parents may wonder whether they should choose a more traditional school that enforces discipline and expects students to sit still. But what if the child is like a “wild horse” and sitting still is not their nature? Or if a child struggles with English, should they attend an English primary school, or should they go to an international school?
In reality, consider this: if a child’s learning abilities are far from meeting the school’s primary requirements, they may not even want to go to school. If a child is weak in English and strong in Chinese but chooses an English primary school, they might not understand what the teacher is saying, and they would have no interest in English at all. In this case, you could argue that the child doesn’t need to attend school because they won’t grasp what the teacher is teaching, and their poor performance in English could negatively impact their overall academic progress and their interest in learning.
Parents often ask how to make the right choice. To analyze this, let’s use the analogy of a small fish in a big pond versus a big fish in a small pond. If a child attends a school where their learning abilities and performance are in the middle to upper range within that school, their confidence will increase, and they won’t feel inferior to their peers. However, if they attend a school considered “good” or prestigious but their abilities are not up to par, they may struggle and feel like a small fish in a big pond. In this scenario, the child is likely to be unhappy throughout their learning journey and may feel underestimated.

So, I would recommend that parents, first and foremost, understand how to choose a suitable school. You need to comprehend the school’s educational philosophy and evaluate the academic standards for students after they enter first grade to determine if your child is a good fit in terms of English, Chinese, and mathematics. If you believe that your child can handle these aspects well and is already coping with them, then this school is likely the right fit for your child.