

語文教育及研究常務委員會(語常會)的Facebook 和Instagram 專頁於2025年1月24日正式成立。我們會透過這些平台,為大家介紹語常會的最新工作和動向。
有關兩文三語重要性的電視宣傳短片和電台廣播,於首晚在各大電視台及電台的黃金時段內首播,為「兩文三語運動2025」揭開序幕 !
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「安全城市。香港」網站 “SafeCity.HK”

The “[email protected]” Campaign



English Version




English Version

Videos for Parent Education on Language Development of Young Children 


  1. 《「幼兒語文家FUN站」-家長教育短片系列》第一季(四集)
  • 幼兒中、英語文發展
    • 幼兒中、英語文發展階段
    • 中、英語文特點
  • 幼兒中文發展
    • 語文環境與幼兒語文(中文)發展的關係
  • 幼兒英文發展
    • 家庭語文(英文)環境及家長參與

2.「家FUN蜜語」(家長小冊子電子版)(Chinese Version only)

3.「幼兒語文家FUN站」-家長教育短片系列講座  (幼兒英文發展I)


講座日期:2025年1月11日(星期六)下午2:15 – 4:00  



4.「幼兒語文家FUN站」-家長教育短片系列講座   (幼兒中文發展)


講座日期:2025年1月18日(星期六)下午2:15 – 4:00   




Helping Your Children of Kindergarten Age


Intelligent learning through exercise

家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地 家長園地

暑假開心去旅遊 除了玩樂外 還有甚麼?
Enjoy Traveling During the Summer Vacation – What Else Besides Just Having Fun?




(1) 孩子與陌生人相處的表現



The summer holidays are here, and many parents choose to travel with their children during this long break, not only to spend quality time together, but also to rejuvenate. I wonder if there are any other reasons why people choose to travel during the summer?

Some may say that traveling can also broaden children’s horizons. Indeed, “it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” If children have firsthand experiences, they will likely have a deeper understanding of the knowledge they have learned. For example, when children learn about the Great Wall of China, visiting the site in person would allow them to truly appreciate the grandeur of this architectural marvel in human history. When choosing travel destinations, I also consider whether they align with my daughter’s learning content. For instance, when she is studying different types of animals, I will include a visit to the zoo during our trip, so that she can interact with various animals directly, which is much more engaging than learning from books or TV alone.

I highly value the several days we spend traveling, as it allows for extended quality time together. By observing my daughter closely during these days, I can gain deeper insights into her. When my daughter was younger, I would pay particular attention to the following aspects during our travels:

(1) How the child interacts with strangers


During travels, children encounter various unfamiliar people. How does my daughter behave in such situations? Does she proactively greet the unfamiliar elders? Can she politely and appropriately respond to their questions? When playing with peers her age, does she initiate interactions? How does she handle any potential conflicts that may arise? I enjoy observing discreetly, then in the evenings, I will share and praise her good conduct from the day, and encourage her on how she can do even better the next time.

(2) 孩子的自理能力



(2) The child’s self-care abilities

With the relatively ample time during travels, without having to race against the clock, this is when you can take the opportunity to foster your child’s self-care ability. For example, I will arrange for my daughter to carry a small travel suitcase of her own, and have her manage the personal items inside it. I then observe discreetly to see if the child can properly handle her personal belongings, and whether she can pack up her things neatly before leaving the hotel or heading to the next destination. I will provide timely reminders or assistance if needed.

In fact, fostering children’s character and self-care ability does not necessarily require taking a flight to travel to distant places. What I want to emphasize is that character education should not just remain at the theoretical level, as constant lecturing will only backfire. Rather, character education should be put into practice through daily life. In fact, as long as there is ample time for interaction and more companionship with the children, along with careful observation of their daily performance, and providing reminders or assistance when necessary, even just a trip to the countryside can achieve the above purposes.

Stamp Collecting as a Parent-Child Activity




1. 首先將郵票從信封剪出

2. 然後把郵票浸在水中一段時間

3. 把郵票慢慢撕離,然後印乾

4. 最後待郵票乾透後,便可以放在郵票簿內。




Written by: Pang Chi Wah, Registered Educational Psychologist

In recent years, environmental awareness has been on the rise. As a parent, you can cultivate an eco-friendly and meaningful hobby like stamp collecting for your child. This can also serve as a simple and convenient parent-child activity.

Parents who work in an office often need to open various types of mail, which often come with used stamps. While we may think those stamps are worthless, they can actually be great materials for a free parent-child activity. We can bring the different types and sizes of envelopes and stamps from the office back home, and let the children go through the whole process of stamp collecting:

1. Cut the stamps off the envelopes.

2. Soak the stamps in water for a while.

3. Slowly peel the stamps off and let them dry.

4. Once the stamps are dry, they can be placed in a stamp album.

This process of handling the stamps can not only train the children’s patience and focus, but also enhance their self-management abilities. They can also learn different information from the envelopes and stamps, such as the names of different countries and regions, various denominations, and stamp designs, thus developing their multiple intelligences.

Some parents like to use toys as rewards to encourage their children, such as rewarding them with stickers after they finish their homework. Stamps can actually be more effective rewards. Whenever the child completes certain tasks, they can be given a stamp as a reward, and the more beautiful or rare the stamp, the more effective the reward will be. This not only reduces the negative impact of material abundance on the children, but stamps also have aesthetic value and can be stored for a long time. Most importantly, we can appreciate the stamp album together with the children, which can serve as a tool for parent-child communication.




Additionally, Hong Kong frequently launches new stamps and themed first-day covers, which parents can acquire at reasonable prices to greatly expand the variety of stamps, designs, and sizes for their children. If parents travel or go on business trips abroad, they can also collect local stamps, especially the cheapest ones, like the one-penny stamps in the UK. Parents can also ask their relatives, friends, and colleagues to bring back stamps from their travels or business trips, which can greatly diversify the stamp collection for the children through different acquisition channels.


Why not try this meaningful reward system and parent-child activity with your family?

第四級 嚴重持續性哮喘





Stage 4: Severe Persistent Asthma

Patients need to use a bronchodilator daily, three to four times a day, while also using inhaled steroids to control the condition.

 Following the doctor’s advice, I should no longer be afraid to let my child use inhaled bronchodilators! Relieving the child’s coughing and asthma symptoms early on can also hopefully prevent the worsening of asthma conditions in the long run.

健康護脊運動 大人小朋友都適合
Healthy Back Care Exercises – Suitable for Both Adults and Children

撰文:Dr. Kong專業團隊註冊物理治療師方偉筠




Written by: Fong Wai Kwan, Dr. Kong’s Professional Team of Registered Physiotherapist

Parents should avoid letting their children develop the following bad postures, which can affect the development of the spine:


When children are doing their homework, they should avoid sitting sideways to one side, as this posture can easily lead to uneven use of force on the left and right sides of the spine, causing problems such as scoliosis. At the same time, they should maintain an upright posture in both the neck and waist.

當小朋友使用電腦時,頸部亦不應過於向前傾看顯示屏,因為這樣會容易令頸部勞損。家長亦應提醒小朋友保持頸部及背部垂直,並選擇可調校高度和配備椅背及扶手的椅子,以承托背部手和手腕。另外,顯示屏亦需要置於不高於眼睛的位置。每使用電腦 30 分鐘,就應該作適量的休息。




步驟:首先,頭部轉向左右兩邊,各維持 10 秒。

   然後,頭部向上下方向望,各維持 10 秒。

   接著,頭部側向左右兩邊,各維持 10 秒。

   整套動作每天重複 10 次。



步驟:手放肩膞,手肘向前後方向各轉動 10 次。



When children use computers, they should not lean their necks too far forward to look at the screen, as this can easily lead to neck strain. Parents should also remind children to keep their necks and backs straight, and choose chairs that are adjustable in height and equipped with backrests and armrests to support the back, hands, and wrists. Additionally, the screen should be positioned at a height not above eye level. After every 30 minutes of computer use, there should be adequate rest breaks taken.

When lifting heavy objects from the floor, it is best to avoid bending the waist forward to pick them up. Instead, one should adopt a semi-squatting posture, keeping the waist straight. Then, grip the heavy object with both hands, keeping it as close to the body as possible. Finally, use the leg muscles to stand up, maintaining a straight waist.

Neck Stretching Exercises

Purpose: To help relieve muscle tension in the neck

Steps: 1. Turn your head to the left and right sides, holding each position for 10 seconds.

2. Move your head up and down, holding each position for 10 seconds.

3. Tilt your head towards the left and right sides, holding each position for 10 seconds.

Repeat the full set of exercises 10 times per day.

Shoulder Stretching Exercises

Purpose: To help relieve tension in the shoulder muscles


Steps: Place your hands on your shoulders, and rotate your elbows forward and backward 10 times in each direction.



步驟:緊握雙手在背後,盡量提高雙手,維持 10 秒。每天重複動作 10 次。



步驟:首先雙手放在膝頭,然後向前彎腰,維持 10 秒,再慢慢回復站立姿勢。

   雙手撐腰,再向後彎腰,維持 10 秒,慢慢回復站立姿勢。

    整套動作每天重複 10 次。




   每一個方向維持 10 秒。

     然後,舉起左手向右彎,維持 10 秒,再慢慢回復站立撐腰姿勢。

     舉起右手向左彎,維持 10 秒,慢慢回復站立撐腰姿勢。

     整套動作每天重複 10 次。

Chest Stretching

Purpose: To help stretch the chest muscles and improve poor posture

Steps: Firmly grasp your hands behind your back, and raise your hands as high as possible, holding for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times per day.

Stretching the Back and Waist Muscles

Purpose: To help relieve tension in the back and waist muscles

Steps: 1. Place your hands on your knees, then bend forward at the waist, hold for 10 seconds, and slowly return to a standing position.

2. Place your hands on your hips, then bend backward at the waist, hold for 10 seconds, and slowly return to a standing position.

Repeat the full set of exercises 10 times per day.

Side Body Stretching

Purpose: To help relieve tension in the side waist muscles

Steps: 1. Place your hands on your hips and twist your waist from side to side, slowly returning to the starting standing position with hands on hips. Hold each side for 10 seconds.

2. Raise your left hand and bend to the right, hold for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the starting standing position with hands on hips.

3. Raise your right hand and bend to the left, hold for 10 seconds, then slowly return to the starting standing position with hands on hips.


Repeat the full set of exercises 10 times per day.

Love Warms at Home


不知道大家曾否聽過某電視劇集的主題曲 「擁抱愛」?本人很喜歡其中的數句歌詞,寥寥數字就帶出了「家」的特性:家是一個『遮風擋雨』的地方,如你的『後盾』,在你「困倦」時,家的大門總會為你打開。當中提到的「愛」,便是那份由你出生那一刻便已注定,血濃於水的親情。的而且確,有甚麼比親情來得更重要呢?當你失意的時候,家人會為你分憂,願意聆聽你的傾訴,陪伴你一同渡過難關;當你生病的時候,家人願意無條件地照顧你;在你學業或事業有成時,他們會打從心底裡高興,為你的成就感到驕傲。這種「愛」並不是金錢能換到的。




Written by: Principal Cheung Jok Fong, Education expert

 Have you ever heard the theme song “Embrace Love” from a certain TV series? I really like some of the lyrics, which simply yet powerfully convey the essence of “home”: home is a place that “shelters from wind and rain”, your “shield” that will always “open its door” when you are “weary”. The “love” mentioned refers to the familial love that is destined from the moment you were born – a bond thicker than water. Indeed, what could be more important than family love? When you are down on your luck, your family will share your worries, listen to your woes, and accompany you through the difficult times; when you are ill, your family will care for you unconditionally; when you succeed in your studies or career, they will rejoice wholeheartedly and feel proud of your accomplishments. This kind of “love” is something that money cannot buy.

 This year, our school has chosen “family” as the main theme, hoping to help parents and students appreciate the preciousness of family love. Unfortunately, this love may be taken for granted, as we are born into it, and hence some people fail to cherish it. Sometimes, we see from the news that some youths would rather loiter on the streets than return home; some families are embroiled in constant bickering, turning home into a battleground; some people even resort to violence against their own family members over trivial matters, leading to bloodshed. These are just the tip of the iceberg – it is truly saddening to see a good home deteriorate in such a way.

 Three Phrases to Say More Often at Home

 How can we build a harmonious family? Pope Francis, when discussing family life, proposed the “three family phrases”, which are the three phrases we should say more often at home: “thank you”, “may I”, and “I’m sorry”. “Thank you” expresses gratitude to family members. Often, children take the care provided by their parents for granted. But think about it – do parents have to prepare three meals a day for you? Who washes your clothes and shoes, giving you a more hygienic living environment? When you are sick, who tenderly cares for you, even getting up at night to feed you medicine? Schoolmates, while your parents are caring for you, why not say “thank you” more often? When you have the chance, you can also help your parents with household chores, sharing their workload. In fact, when children help with household tasks, parents can also say “thank you” to them. Nowadays, it is no longer appropriate for elders to adopt a superior attitude. Everyone has a responsibility in building a harmonious family – do not assume that certain tasks are the sole responsibility of certain family members. Even when receiving help from family members, a simple “thank you” can go a long way.






古今中外都非常重視「家庭」的概念。天主說:「人單獨不好,我要給他造一個與他相稱的助手。」(創世紀 2:18),天主安排我們在不同的團體中成長,而成長的第一個團體就是我們的家;至於孔子非常重視孝悌,認為它是做人、做學問的根本。各位,就讓我們從今天開始,多實踐「家庭生活三語」,共建和諧美好的家。

“Please” represents respect for family members and polite behavior towards others. Some may think that since they are family, they do not need to be too polite and can just speak directly. However, “please” not only reminds us to speak politely, but also to consider the feelings of our family members. Sometimes, people get into heated arguments over trivial matters, believing that they should fight for what is right, even with their own family. But is that really worth it? As the saying goes, “You may have won the battle, but lost the family.” Even with family, it is still better to be more cautious with our words.

As for “I’m sorry,” it represents seeking forgiveness from family members. When we have done something wrong, we should have the courage to take responsibility and say “I’m sorry” to those we have hurt. At the same time, “I’m sorry” also represents an opportunity to mend relationships with our family. Sometimes, it is not easy to determine who is right or wrong, or there may not even be a clear right or wrong, but just differences in values. Many conflicts arise from this very reason. If everyone refuses to compromise, the relationship will become very strained. As the saying goes, “Take a step back, and the world will be wide open.” Letting go of one’s ego does not mean one has to surrender or compromise on the issue, but rather creates a new opportunity to solve the problem in a better way.


Both in China and abroad, the concept of “family” is highly valued. God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18) God has arranged for us to grow up in different groups, and the first group is our family. As for Confucius, he greatly valued filial piety, believing it to be the foundation of being a good person and a scholar. Let us all start practicing the “Three Phrases of Family Life” from today, and build a harmonious and beautiful family together.